The "" website is an online-only exhibition of the early (and continuous) history of Internet art. This site provides links to original content to net-art projects and related websites made since the rise of Internet art in de '90 into the mainstream art world. Would you like your work to be featured here? Submit your work here


FILMTEXT 2.0 is an experimental digital narrative that blends the conventions of videogames with media theory.


project_.f.reeP_ project by .-_-.  Battleship Potemkin is a 1925 silent film by Sergei Eisentein, which is in public domain now.


ClickClub is an art project by Peter Luining, consisting of a webpage with images that all link to new pages with animations, images, interactive pages, often with stimu


Loop was a group learning project from 1998. One web page a day for six weeks. 13 people. 364 pages. Starting from the most basic html getting more complex each day. A collective sketch book.


gif_me_a_break is a web-work consisting of multiple versions of interactive, interlinked abstract and social commentary gif animations resulting in audio-visual noise drones.



NIESATT observes the obsessions and addictions to the digitalized world of people nowadays, having lost their connection to nature and becoming victims of them selfs for ignoring environmental and

it's doing it / it did it

It’s doing it is an online group exhibition of computer generated images that autonomously updates on a daily basis over the course of 45 days.

Axis of Life

The bloody Axis of life will take you with the help of Hitchcock, the partisans and the nazi collaborators domobrans to the ex-Yugoslavian territory.

Fuzzy Dreamz

A project from fear to fun, drama, love, desire and a sense of wonder. The moving images, soundtrack and voices are forming a 'psycho-geography of dreams'. Work in progress since 1996.

Ghost City

Ghost City is a website that was begun in 1997. It is a virtual city that has become an archive of changing web technologies.

The cyber-kitchen

'the cyber-kitchen' is aimed at building a collaborative net.installation with its starting point in the cyber-domestic aesthetic.

A is for Apple

A is for Apple is a flash website project that uses the hypertext linking of interactive work to investigate a cryptography or hermeneutics of the apple.

Please Change Belief

"Please Change Belief" is a project built for the World Wide Web which consists of several sections (be prepared to explore a bit to figure out how it works and how to navigate the site).


"An experimental website, using randomly generated ASCII art and Javascript.

Loaded 5x

we are always waiting for the big
event that will change our lives forever --
not to make our lives a paradise,
but to give us direction, to find out what

Being Human

"Being human is about communication with the other. This other person that one doesn't know at all, but that should resemble you somewhere and so, will need some reassuring every now and than too.