The "" website is an online-only exhibition of the early (and continuous) history of Internet art. This site provides links to original content to net-art projects and related websites made since the rise of Internet art in de '90 into the mainstream art world. Would you like your work to be featured here? Submit your work here

Top 84 Ways of Going Greener at Home

In many of his works, Krassimir Terziev uses the language and technology of cinema and television to investigate and comment on how their shared visual culture shapes or affects our social and poli


Geoffrey Lillemon (1981 USA) brings a classic romantic painting and drawing style to technology to reinterpret artistic practice.


This website is a net-art piece by itself. Explore it by clicking around and find vector graphics, map outlines, news photographs, pornography, advertising and video games.

The cyber-kitchen

'the cyber-kitchen' is aimed at building a collaborative net.installation with its starting point in the cyber-domestic aesthetic.

Net-art generator

Nowadays, work is placed on a level with duty, compulsion, obedience, conformity, monotony and exploitation, but scarcely with a 'practice of creative enjoyment' of (Negri/Hardt).

The Secret Garden of Mutabor

The Secret Garden of Yenz is a unusual point and click type adventure game with really nice graphics and design. "The Secret Garden of Mutabor is in great danger. You just came in time to save us!